The degrees awarded

HomeThe degrees awarded

The degrees awarded

Based on the approval of the University Council, technological universities grant the following academic degrees:
• Higher Professional Diploma in Technology in Specialization:
A student who holds a professional diploma in technology in the specialty, or a certificate of completion of technical secondary education in the three-year system or its equivalent in technical certificates, or a certificate of completion of high school or its equivalent, is enrolled in the study to obtain it.
• Professional Bachelor of Technology in Specialization:
The student who holds a higher professional diploma in technology in the specialty or equivalent technical certificates is enrolled in the study to obtain it.
• Professional Master in Technology in the specialty:
A student who holds a professional bachelor’s degree in technology in the specialty or an equivalent degree of technological bachelor’s degree is enrolled in the study to obtain it.
• Professional doctorate in technology in the specialty:
The student enrolls in the study to obtain a professional master’s degree in the specialty or its equivalent in technological master’s degrees.
The Supreme Council of Universities determines, based on the presentation of the Supreme Council for Technological Education, the study requirements for each academic degree and all matters related to study.