News Details/The graduation ceremony of a new batch of students from the Faculty of Industrial and Energy Technology in Fayoum, at Misr International Technological University, affiliated with the Education Development Fund of the Council of Ministers, which was held at the Karoun Sports Club.

On Thursday, February 9, 2023, Professor Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rahman, President of Misr International Technological University, and Dr. Ahmed Al-Ansari, Governor of Fayoum, witnessed the graduation ceremony of a new batch of students from the Faculty of Industrial and Energy Technology in Fayoum, at Misr International Technological University, affiliated with the Education Development Fund of the Council of Ministers. , which was held at Qarun Sports Club.
The celebration was attended by Dr. Islam Hilali, Dean of the Faculty of Industrial and Energy Technology in Fayoum, Dr. Mohamed Emad, Deputy Governor, Dr. Mona Al-Khashab, Member of the House of Representatives, Dr. Saleh Al-Awni, Dean of the Faculty of Science at Fayoum University, Dr. Ahmed Fathi, Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, and Dr. Amani Qarni, Director of the Directorate of Education in Fayoum. Counselor Mahmoud Mubarak, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Qaroun Sports Club, the captains of teachers, engineers, agriculturalists, a number of experts, engineers and representatives of companies and factories, parents, and a crowd of students.
The ceremony began with the national anthem of the Arab Republic of Egypt, then recited verses from the Holy Qur’an, followed by a welcome speech by the college’s graduate representatives in Arabic and Italian, then an introductory video was shown about the College of Industry and Energy in Fayoum, and the workshops and stages of student training during the years of study.
The ceremony also included the opening of an exhibition of products and projects made by students, a number of artistic performances by college students, and then speeches by a number of attendees participating in the ceremony.
In his speech, the Governor of Fayoum congratulated the new graduates after their qualification for the labor market that is in line with international standards, wishing them a successful working life, stressing that qualifying students for the labor market through practical study in technical schools provides greater opportunities for young people in various fields of work, expressing his thanks to the parents. Affairs of the male and female students for their efforts in providing the necessary support for their children until their graduation. He also congratulated all attendees on the occasion of the Isra and Mi’raj anniversary.
The governor stressed that the political leadership and the Egyptian state are keen to advance the technical education and vocational training sector and change the societal perception of this type of education, to graduate new generations of students who are distinguished educationally, skillfully, and professionally, so that they are able to keep pace with technological development and global competition in the labor market.
Al-Ansari also stressed the governorate’s keenness to provide all necessary support to provide a suitable educational environment for students to graduate generations that contribute to the advancement of the governorate in various development sectors, armed with science and modern technology, pointing out that the entire world is now facing a set of challenges that require the concerted efforts of all to overcome them. Successfully, he appealed to his students to learn a package of advanced skills and sciences, to achieve the desired societal development.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, the Governor of Fayoum and the President of Misr International Technology University honored the college team participating in the ATC competition, the finals of which were held in Kenya under the sponsorship of the Chinese “EVEC” company, and honored the top students of the Bachelor of Technology, the top students of the Higher Technological Diploma, and the top students of the technical secondary school and the school. Vocational secondary school, and honoring the various departments and departments of the college, and all graduates of college and school students. Representatives of partner companies and factories were also honored by handing them certificates of appreciation and shields of excellence amidst great joy that overwhelmed all attendees participating in the ceremony.