News Details/The Education Development Fund is looking into adding new educational programs to the University of Technology

Dr. Ahmed Hosni Al-Hayy, Secretary General of the Education Development Fund of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, received a delegation from the Chinese company AFIC, which included Ms. Doha Yu, Director of Business Development, Ms. Shi Yu, Deputy Director of the Vocational Training Department, and Mr. Xu Huajing, Assistant Director of the Vocational Training Department. At the Fund's headquarters.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Hayy affirmed his welcome for cooperation with the Chinese company AFIC through the solutions offered by the company for technical and vocational education in various fields, including general planning for technical education, short-term courses, designing certificates, preparing training and educational programs, designing laboratories and workshops, in addition to... To trainee training programs that include training faculty members and preparing curricula and teaching materials.
He added - in the press release issued by the Fund - that the meeting touched on new programs that could be added to the University of Technology, “one of the Fund’s projects,” in the fields of energy, construction technology, transportation, and light industries, through which the university could begin implementing the railway technology program due to its importance and its connection to transportation projects. Carried out by the state to connect all parts of the republic.
Al-Haywi explained that during the visit of the Chinese company delegation, he received an invitation to students of the University of Technology to participate in the international competition organized by AFIC in Kenya in the fields of lathing and digital cutting.
It is noteworthy that the Education Development Fund has established technology parks since 2010 to prepare an educational model that provides advanced educational and training services at the highest level of quality and supplies the labor market with skilled workers, technicians and specialists with high technical skills that qualify them to obtain job opportunities in local, regional and international industrial institutions, which joined by decision. Cabinet No. 2722 of 2022 to establish Misr International Technological University.